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Brave New Work: Are you Ready to Reinvent Your Organisation? – Aaron Dignan, 2019

2022-03-08 17:05


Reading Room, Brave New Work: Are you Ready to Reinvent Your Organisation?, Aaron Dignan,

Brave New Work: Are you Ready to Reinvent Your Organisation? – Aaron Dignan, 2019

Without a doubt, this is one of the best books we’ve read about sustainable and future-proof organisational structures.

Without a doubt, this is one of the best books we’ve read about sustainable and future-proof organisational structures. Taking a brief look at work up until now, Dignan shows that much of the way that we do things in business in 2019 is predicated on Winslow-Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management – a blueprint for maximising productivity in a factory setting that was first published in 1911. We’re continuing to apply rules to business today that were first conceived over 100 years ago!


Moving forward, Dignan has created a new operating system for 21st Century agile and people-centric business. This isn’t just theory, Aaron is one of the co-founders at The Ready, a US-based B2B consultancy that helps businesses change the way they work for better engagement, productivity and results. Using a canvas approach, the book lays out key ways in which organisations can approach structural transformation, underpinned by the notion that all change is iterative
