“AI’s influence is not so much a function of either emulating or surpassing human intelligence, but shaping the way we think, learn and make decisions.”
Chief Innovation Officer at global staffing firm Manpower and Professor of Business Psychology at University College London, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic has a talent for calling out the flaws in modern business practices. And his latest book doesn’t disappoint.
Rather than extoll the virtues of next-generation digital technology, I, Human provides a compelling analysis of what it is taking away. AI algorithms aren’t able to deal with outliers; they work on the basis of ‘if-this, then-that’ rules and subtly influence our decision-making towards selecting middle-of-the-road options. In short, they encourage homogeny and sameness.
Literature about the future of work tells us we need to nurture the human skills AI can’t master. Yet our increasingly technological worlds are working against us to reduce individuality and diversity of thought. Chamorro-Premuzic presents compelling arguments for ringfencing the vital skills needed for career futureproofing – urgently needed in these troubling times.