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You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why it Matters – Kate Murphy, 2020

2022-03-09 09:10


Reading Room, You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why it Matters, Kate Murphy,

You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why it Matters – Kate Murphy, 2020

If you gain nothing else from reading You’re Not Listening, we guarantee that you will start to obsessively scrutinise your own listening habits.

If you gain nothing else from reading You’re Not Listening, we guarantee that you will start to obsessively scrutinise your own listening habits. And, if you’re like us, you’ll realise you’re mostly only ever half paying attention.


Listening is a critical skill; one that most of us have, but in turn one that we mostly take for granted. In this hyper-speed, hyper-connected, cacophonous world, we half-listen and take in soundbites, waiting impatiently for something else to happen, or finishing off other peoples’ sentences for them, if only in our heads.


Murphy points out, in glorious slow-mo Technicolor just how much we miss out on when we fail to use our ‘listening ears’, to the detriment of our relationships. 

As we catapult into ever-accelerating digital futures, listening will be a meta-skill that few in business can afford to be without
